Card Page
An evaluation method in which people work through a set of representative tasks and ask questions about the task as they go.
To get quick and early feedback on whether a design solution is easy for a new or infrequent user to learn, and why it is or isn’t easy. This method is useful for catching big issues at any stage in the design process when you don’t have access to real users, but it is not a substitute for user evaluation.
Page information
- Link title: Card Page
- Hero: off
- Breadcrumb: off
- Side navigation: off
- In-page Navigation: off
- Wordcount: 84 words
- ReadingTime: One minute read
- Aliases: []
- BundleType:
- Publish date: January 1, 0001
- Last modified: January 1, 1
- Sort weight: 0
- Is translated: false
- Previous page: Page With Code
- Next page: Another new page
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- Summary: What An evaluation method in which people work through a set of representative tasks and ask questions about the task as they go. Why To get quick and early feedback on whether a design solution is easy for a new or infrequent user to learn, and why it is or isn’t easy. This method is useful for catching big issues at any stage in the design process when you don’t have access to real users, but it is not a substitute for user evaluation.