This is an example of a custom shortcode that you can put right into your content. You will need to add a form action to the the shortcode to make it work. Check out Formspree for a simple, free form service.
Page information
- Link title: Contact
- Hero: off
- Breadcrumb: off
- Side navigation: off
- In-page Navigation: off
- Wordcount: 51 words
- ReadingTime: One minute read
- Aliases: []
- BundleType:
- Publish date: January 1, 0001
- Last modified: January 1, 1
- Sort weight: 0
- Is translated: true
- Previous page: Testimonials
- Next page: About
- Tags:
- Summary: This is an example of a custom shortcode that you can put right into your content. You will need to add a form action to the the shortcode to make it work. Check out Formspree for a simple, free form service. Your Name Email Address An email address is required. Message